Los & Ada Scott Memorial Garden


Cemetery Restoration Donation

ALL donations are for Mt. Zion Cemetery {rear section} and its continued upkeep; located in Minden LA, and will be used for regular grounds maintenance and care.

Mt. Zion is our private family cemetery for the descendants of Los & Ada Scott, it is not for profit, but requires dignified care.

Annual Donation of $125-$200 is requested/needed; however, any amount You choose to Give is Appreciated & Thanks for your continued support.

Monthly Fee: $200
Service Months: Mar/Apr - Oct


Contact Your Family Rep for info, as we work to fulfill the promise of our ancestors:

Derrick Harris ~ Tina Robinson ~ Leslie Scott ~ Joyce Feaster ~ Denese Taylor ~ Lorra Thomas~ Teresa Dennis

2024 DONORS: {$200}

Jan: Linda Thomas, $100 Mar: Barbara J. Taylor, $150 || Teresa Dennis, $225

May: Javon McGahee, $200 || Juanita Jackson, $125 || Joyce Feaster, $40

Jun/July: Teresa Dennis

2023 DONORS: {$200}

March: Teresa Dennis, $200 || Margaret Taylor, $25 {rcvd 17 Mar}

April: Teresa Dennis, $200 || Margaret Taylor, $25 {rcvd 20 Apr}

May: $200 - Memorial Donation for Janeecia Mason from Barbara Taylor || Juanita ‘Pam’ Jackson, $120 || Joyce Feaster, $40

June: $200 - Memorial Donation for Ola Mae Smith from Reginald & Demetrius Thomas

July: Teresa Dennis, $200 || August: Teresa Dennis, $200

Sep: Teresa Dennis, $200 || Nov: Teresa Dennis, $200

2022 DONORS:

April: Teresa Dennis, $180

May: Joyce Feaster, $25 || Derrick Harris, $350 Juanita Jackson, $60 || Leslie Scott, $175 || Demetria Dennis, $125 || Melvin Taylor, $40 || Margaret Taylor, $25 || Jarred Dennis, $50

July: Margaret Taylor, $25

Aug - Oct: Teresa Dennis, $275

The Elders, including Margaret Hughes-Mosley & cousin Danny Wimberly pushed to ensure the fence and first cemetery restoration was completed; now, our journey continues….

Daughters of Los & Ada Scott in birth order: L.C ‘Sis’ Scott-Markray - 1912, Vora Scott-Thomas - 1917, Lue Ree Scott-Dennis - 1921, and Ludella Scott - 1925

Hosted on Khakuun LLC until the Cemetery Association has been established. ~ Teresa