Jewelry Care & Repair

Caring for Your Jewelry: We want you to enjoy your jewelry purchase from Khakuun™ for years to come. Our products are designed with semi-precious gemstones, stainless steel, pewter, and brass; occasionally filled gold or silver, never plated. These stones and metals may naturally darken with normal wear. Continue to keep your jewelry looking its best, with these simple tips in mind:

  • Over time, air pollutants, dust, perspiration, perfumes, and other natural elements can make jewelry and gemstones appear dull.  

  • Your jewelry should be the last thing you put on, and the first thing you take off...remove before going to bed or any physical activity.  

  • Keep jewelry away from water, lotions, cosmetics, suds, sprays and powder.

  • To help retard tarnishing of Sterling Silver; use anti tarnish squares, placed inside ziplock bag and seal. 

  • Jewelry should be wiped clean after wearing to remove body oils, and completely dry, prior to storing.

  • After cleaning, store jewelry away from sunlight/heat in a protective zip lock bag, or soft fabric pouch to prevent tarnishing, and scratches.

  • Stainless Steel, and soft stones like lapis, malachite, turquoise, amber, and opals can easily be scratched by the edges of other jewelry.  Protect them by separately storing in a soft fabric pouch, or inside a jewelry box to prevent scratches.

  • Heat/Sudden temperature changes may fracture gems by removing the natural moisture; some gems need to keep their beauty like Pearls & Opals; which draws moisture from the air.  

  • Always remove your jewelry before using any product containing bleach, in swimming pools, and bathing in hot tubs.  Exposure to harsh chemicals will compromise the integrity of your jewelry.  (perfumes, perspiration, cleaning agents, chlorine, and salt water)

  • When traveling, always pad and protect your jewelry from scratches and impact.

  • Disclaimer: Slight irregularities or variations in natural stones or leather are characteristics of its uniqueness and are not considered as defects.  Manufacturer or Craftsmanship defects may include chipped stones, broken posts, hinges, wires, non-working clasps.

REPAIRS: Khakuun will repair damaged jewelry items returned with ‘all’ pieces included within 30 days of delivery date. If an item is irreparable due to defects/unavailability/material, a store credit will be issued for the original amount paid; excluding shipping fees. Shipping costs associated with repairs/returns are at the customers expense.