“GIVING….Ignites the fire of love and compassion; motivating my hearts desire to help others”💜 ~ Teresa

We actively support and gladly give 10%+ annually to the following Institutions & Campaigns

The National Institutes of Health: Elder Care/Abuse || Asthma & Allergy || Domestic Violence || Cure for ALL Cancers || Sickle Cell Anemia..all are dear to my heart.

St. Judes Children’s Hospital, Feeding America via Food Banks or Pantries & Local/National Veteran Campaigns. 💜

“When YOU Shop, WE can GIVE more!”


Donation Inquiry

Thanks for thinking if us to support your charitable event. We love giving, and get many requests for products or monetary donations. So, to help us help you, we ask that you please complete the short from below.

Please understand it could take up to 7 days to receive a response, but we’ll do our best to review your inquiry and respond quickly.

Kind Regards ~ Teresa, Founder/Artisan